Nirmla (pronounced Nimla or short Nim), formerly known as Min is said to be born on the 20th of April 2009, but I believe her to be a couple of months younger than that.

We have adopted Nirmla from the Animal Sanctuary in Manresa, Spain (Societat Protectora d'Animals) on the 31st of March 2010. She was called Min, probably because of her small size.

As the name Min does no longer fit her (she does everything she can to catch up in size with Jacob and Rana), we decided to rename her after her human auntie Nirmla. My father had already called her Nim right from the beginning and Nim is the short form for my sister-in-laws first name.

Nirmla is a very shy being and she suffered much during her journey to Germany, so we decided to let her stay in my old room at my parent's part of the house and give her time to heal her wounds both physically and emotionally. We also gave her homoeopathic remedies and Australian Bush Flower Essences to help her settle in. She enjoyed her Spiritual Healing sessions and being read, sung and spoken to.

After four weeks Nirmla started to seek the company of her new siblings, thus we left the door to her room open permanently so that Nim could come down and meet Ben, Lea, Candy, Jacob and Rana in her own time. Within a few days she had picked up the courage to be close to them. Since then she has been around her siblings almost all of the time and has only occasionaly returned to my old room. Nim has finally arrived in her new family.

Ben has taken special care to make Nim feel welcome and has taken over the role of a canine surrogate mother for Nim. After Ben had welcomed Nim in the family Rana also warmed up to Nim and now Nim has at last found a feline "Mummy", too.

Nim is still people-shy, but I am positive that she soon will follow the example of her five siblings and enjoy the company of the human members of her family.

Five weeks further on, Nirmla has integrated very well. She even allows me and my mother to stroke her gently (especially when "Papa-Bear" Ben is around). She most certainly enjoys her food and the cat milk and playing hide and chase with Rana. We can see Nim growing day-by-day.




Rosie and Jacob



Yonah (fka Jonas)

Nirmla (fka Min) Keith (fka Speedy) Latzi (fka Füchslein) Priyā(fka Zafira) Aramis Meera(fka Hailey)


© 2012 Renate Nallinger


All images, logos and written information on this page are the property of Renate Nallinger and should not be copied or otherwise reproduced without her explicit permission.