Bonnie was born in 1985. At the age of two she was adopted by my brother-in-law and became part of my in-laws family. Bonnie was a pedigree GSD, strong, loyal and with her own mind. Of all family members she loved my husband best and so she was more than happy when we took her in our house in March 1997. The initial plan had been that Bonnie would stay with us as long as my father-in-law looked after his property in India. Within these five weeks she grew very close to my heart. Her health problems (arthritis in the hips and joints) improved and she lost weight. Bonnie was so happy to be with us and she loved that we often made a fuss of her. My father-in-law was happy for us to keep Bonnie for good after he had returned back to England. Bonnie spent the last 2 1/2 years of her life in our house - very happy years for both her and us. Bonnie turned out to be an important teacher and Spiritual Guide for us.

Bonnie's health problems initiated my husband's interest in reflexology. He began to study reflexology and gave Bonnie treatments. After each treatment she would move so much more fluently and with ease. My husband's reflexology studies brought us both to Reiki.

Bonnie loved to receive healing energy. Whenever she saw that someone was giving healing she wanted to be close. Sometime, when we were treating friends she would lie under or beside the treatment couch with the intend of getting a share of the treatment.

Bonnie had tremendous strength. She could be very fierce when she did not like someone. Outside the house she would just ignore strangers, but when they tried to enter her premises it was a completely different situation. Bonnie felt in charge of the house. During her years with us she mellowed down and became more approachable to our friends. She loved being chauffeured in "her" Transit minibus. She was the queen of the Transit and the queen of the house.

Bonnie never accepted me as an authority. Her only "Lord and Master" was my husband. We had some funny situation with that. One day my husband was doing some work in the house and wanted me to take Bonnie to the park. She looked at me in a funny way and very reluctantly followed me out of the house. We managed to walk as far as three houses away from our house when she felt that she had enough and dragged me all the way back to our house - back to her favourite human being. I had no choice but to follow - 50 kg strong-minded will-power could just not be resisted. I tried again two more times but we never got further than three houses. Eventually I gave up and my husband had to take her out. She followed him happily to the park. I did not mind and laughed about the situation, sometimes you have to let an elderly lady have her ways. I knew that she loved me dearly. She came to me for cuddles and support, just like all our four-legged companions have always done and will always do. When her favourite human being was out of the house, she did not mind me taking her to the park.

Sadly during the time that I was in hospital in 1999 Bonnie became weaker and a week after I got out of hospital she was diagnosed with cancer of the mouth and nose. Within a week of Diagnosis in the early hours of Thursday, the 26th of August 1999, on Rhaki Day (Raksha bandhan), Bonnie went back to Spirit.

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Rosie and Jacob



Yonah (fka Jonas)

Nirmla (fka Min) Keith (fka Speedy) Latzi (fka Füchslein) Priyā(fka Zafira) Aramis Meera(fka Hailey)


© 2012 Renate Nallinger


All images, logos and written information on this page are the property of Renate Nallinger and should not be copied or otherwise reproduced without her explicit permission.